{Merry christmas!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 ( 4:21 PM )
Yes, im back, Merry Christmas everyone~
Havent been using the com for quite awhile.
And i don't want to use it anymore, i just don't have the mood to use it.
Why no mood? Only some people know. If you wanna know, come ask me.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 ( 11:23 PM )
HAI! I'm back! Esmer's back! Sexy's back! LOL. Sorry, I'm ZI HIGH NOW!
Nothing much happened lately. My house is going to get renovated sooooon. TOMORROW WILL BE THE DAY THAT MY DOG CUTS BOTAK AND I GET TO CHOOSE CLOTHES FOR HIM MUAHAHAHHA. =X. My bro bought an L-shaped sofa=D. And my previous sofa is gonna be for my dog =P. Then after the sofa comes, will get the windows done. And then paint house! Hopefully all this will be done before new year.
I know why my bro so good want to renovate house before New Year already! Cause can have parteh! Yes, don't worry, I'll invite you all =P. Oh, maybe i'll get my kitchen done too! And maybe in 2012 moving house o.o . I think it's a waste to move house after all the renovation has completed. ALTHOUGH I WOULD LOOOOOOOOVE TO MOVE TO A NEW ONE! HOPEFULLY AT PUNGGOL! THEN GOT PUNGGOL 21 :o =X.
bang! Random.. ahhh know! I've got to figure out this damn Rubik's Cube! I solve the yellow side then i try to solve another colour, THE YELLOW SIDE GONE AHHH. I dunno ah. ZzZzZZZZzzZ.
Going to buy school books on Thursday... OH NO ANOTHER YEAR OF SCHOOL! AHHHHHH.
I've 14 free movie tickets /smirks. Who want watch movie with me? Gonna catch I AM LEGEND LOL. Will smith... Should be funneh. And then after that'll be Alvin and the chipmunks! HEHEHEHEHE.
Thursday, December 6, 2007 ( 2:08 PM )

Nice? My bro made that using Adobe PhotoShop.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007 ( 8:02 PM )
More details~
Christmas is around the corner, and it's a time of celebration! Join in the party spirit and come down to a lovely BBQ by the beach (nevermind that the beach is dirty at times)!
Share the merriment and joy with your fellow friends over food and (non alocoholic) drinks!Anyway, anyone interested to join? If so I'll go and book a pit.
Need more than 7 COMFIRMED people by DEC 7 before I'll book a pit.
PS: The BBQ is not for us friends only, is like erm, go read this http://forums.playpark.net/showthread.php?t=216711 is like for forumites oso. But no need shy LOL.
Please note:
1. I'll need to meet you guys a week before the gathering on the 15th of december to collect money for the event, since I don't have enough to pay for everyone at one shot.
Sorry about this, but this also prevents anyone from backing out suddenly when food portion is already calculated.
2. Once money paid, there will most probably not be any refunds.
3. Don't come in white, or I'll be chasing you around with some charcoal!
4. You are encouraged to bring snacks for everyone.
5. Pit booking fee will be absorbed by me
6. Fee $5, unless turnout is good.Venue will be at Pasir Ris Park. East coast park no more pits on the 22nd
Date: 22nd December 2007
Time: 5pm, for those who want to help to get the fire going come at 4pm.
Please comfirm by 13th december whether you can attend the event or not. Keep your day clear!
Please note that on the 15th we will be collecting the money.
Venue: Dhoby Gaught MRT
Time: To be updated, afternoon.
On the Menu:
Black pepper
chicken wing
Otah-otah (maybe)
sweet corn
sweet potato
crab stick
Fish ball
non-bbq stuff:
red/green apple
Drinks are all non-alcholic (heh, unless you want to fork extra to buy alcoholic drinks!)
fizzy drinks
green tea
Wine (subject to money surpluses!)
To everyone attending: please do bring along some item for the BBQ yeah? Contributions on top of the $10 will be highly appriciated! Listed below:
Encouraged to bring for sharing:
Potato chips (each one bring a pack or two)
sweet/ candy
Critical items needed (food will take second priority, unless someone can bring em too)
trayspaper/plastic plate, cup, fork, spoon
Good to have (not needed, but can bring):
Portable radio (listen to radio mah)
Some groundsheets or something (for people to sit on the ground, DUH)
Party games
Ice box to store ice
Anything else to suggest?
BTW, your money will be safe with me - I'll most probably locate the meetup to collect the money somewhere central (like plaza singapura), and I'll most probably do the item buying after that. I will keep the receipt if you want to see it, or you can come along with me and help with the grocery shopping
Anyone interested? Sms/call me if you are. But i can't reply/call ppl. Stupid phone something wrong. =.= . But you can message/call la. Tag&msn oso can:D. Then if you going, I'll meet you somewhere and then you can pass me the moneh
( 7:40 PM )
Im soooooooooooooooooooooooo bored T.T .
Everytime i plan to go somewhere, i don't. =.=
I've got to say, my bro's damn pro at Adobe Photoshop.
He just made a Merry Christmas thingy. It's cool! xDD
Anyway, he's organizing a BBQ at Pasir Ris Park, anyone wanna go?
For you all $10 each, confirm by 13th Dec and then pass me the money by 15 dec i think.
=x but i try to get discount if u want to go xD
It's on the 22nd of December. More details will be up soon.
The reason why it's held at Pasir Ris Park is because ECP no more BBQ pits liao.
Monday, December 3, 2007 ( 11:34 AM )
YES~ Felissa is coming back TODAY!
but Esmerlala's flying off to Italy today :(
I'm gonna miss you girl!ILY! I Have fun&have a safe flight to ITALY.
Saturday, December 1, 2007 ( 10:17 PM )
Samantha:" Beside your own thoughts, there is no such thing as truth, only what other people think is true." says:
cos' she go and say we all like guys like that.
clarissa; x33b38[: How will I know if there's a path worth takin' says:
Samantha:" Beside your own thoughts, there is no such thing as truth, only what other people think is true." says:
then when i stared at her, she pushed the blame on someone else
eh auntie =.='' not only guys can join NPCC la okay?
People already so kind go volunteer to usher people to the concert hall on weekends, and yet u go criticize them. shitty.
( 9:01 PM )