When I see your smile
Tears roll down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up for you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
it's ok, it's ok
it's ok-e-a-e-a-a-a-aaaaaaa
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up for you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
Cuz you're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and,
Please tell me you'll stay, woah stay woah
Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be ok
Though my skies are turning gray
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up for you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up for you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
Yes, I know, it's rare that i'm blogging twice per day.
Today is emo day for me.
I went to cut my hair, veh short. <
Evan! I notice you always get into a bad mood, lol, cheer up la.
Bloody hell, im sick. May not be able to go to school tomorrow.
Got sore eyes and stupid flu. Sore eyes, I rub until veh red.
My nose, I also rub until veh red. And i almost finished a box of tissue paper!
I feel so embarrassed..
You know, as a Christian, im supposed to go to church,
but i don't go to church. Everytime i wish to go to church, my mum
doesn't allow. Everytime my friends ask if I want to join them in church,
my mum doesn't allow.
Then in the end i have to find an excuse saying that i not free and stuffs.
It's very embarrassing for me to say that my mum doesnt allow and when my
friends ask me why, I dont know what to say, cause even my mum doesn't
tell me why she doesnt allow me to go.
Is it because my brother's a Buddhist and that's why she doesn't allow me to go?
No. That can't be the reason. If it is, i'll just die.
I asked her so many times that i want to go to church, but she still doesn't
allow me. And everytime my friend asks me if i'm a Christian, I say yes, but
when they ask me what church i go to, I say i don't go to church. And some of them
even thinks that i'm faking a Christian, why?
Just now Pearlyn invited me to go to church together with our squadmates,
but my mum doesn't allow.
You think I don't want to go to church is it? No, I do want to go to church,
It's just that my mum doesn't allow and I dont know why the fuck she doesnt allow.
Now, I don't even know if i'm considered a Christian anymore.
I try so much to worship you and now i'm in this state. GOD, i need to slap myself.
I love this song. I'm considering on making my blog private, so i can blog about more things and only invite those who i can really really really trust. There's just TOO many people i just can't trust. Most people around me are just attention seekers or just... plain fakers. You pretend to be my bestest friend and when i finally decided to treat you as one, you.. take away my really bestest friends. Why? why are you like this? It'll be better that no one in the world is like.. you.. WHY are you like that? Just tell me WHY!
Im not in the mood for any fucking shit like this. If Adam&Eve didn't eat the apple, we wouldn't have any knowledge, and therefore, i like it. I don't want to have any knowledge. Even for a million bucks, i wont want to have any knowledge, if I don't have any knowledge, I wouldn't be here blogging bout' you.. And i can just lead a happy life w/o stress.
I would commit suicide if it wasn't against the laws. Now, im just having second thoughts.
Or maybe I should just delete my blog since no one reads it.
Notice that it's in your faaaaaaaavourite colour? :)
Stay young woman.
Oh shit. School's starting already -.-
Havent started on maths yet. HAhA.
At least by tomorrow can do finish. Maths last period.
Went to Kukup yesterday. Went to fish farm.
One boy showed us, jellyfish, the queen crab, seahorse,
the sea snake, baby shark. Haha. I took a picture of all of it.
I like the seahorse picture the most.
Picture will be posted soon luh.
My motive of going there is just to buy chewing gum though XD.
Dunno what to blog already, Holidays nothing much to blog about lol.
KK BYEEeeeeeeeeee. See all you guys that i can see in schoooooool!
Shall just post pictures today.. Nothing much to blog about, didnt go for training, sick. zz
Anyway, going to Kukup, johor there tomorrow. zZ scared i sick.
Who wants chewing gum? If you manage to read this before 10, and say
you wan chewing gum by smsing/tagging, den u is lucky. But, only for those
who i am going to meet in school.
Those cannot meet in school de then is too bad.
Unless can meet nearby xD
God. I forgot what I wanted to blog about already x.x
Anyway, I bought a book from popular called " How to be a good Towkay."
The first Singlish and Hokkien book. Damn funny lor that book.
With that book, i learnt alot of new hokkien words HEHE.
Lang kuah si sai, wa kuah si kim
I find this line nice leh. What people see as shit, I see as gold.
"...What is the moral of this story? It means that a towkay must have the
ability to giah sai bian ong kim (turn shit into gold).
Haha, anyone wanna borrow the book from me? xD
Havent read finish though.
I have sudden interest on reading the Bible. Hmm..
Okay, i gotta go liao. Got training tomorrow. Bye.
Hard to see but if you see me, i'll show it to you. Is super nice can.
I put the cross together cause i still want to wear the cross but
didnt want to wear 2 necklaces. So i put together lor.:D
There's still more to come... (more unglams)
Messing up Comics Connection?
Anyway yesterday captains ball competition, all the
girls team lost. SOOO unfair! How can girls play against guys?
So big and tall and WIDE.
Fact: Cedar is not our enemy
Opinion: We think that Cedar is our enemy.
Learnt that from social studies. Good right? I still remember leh -.-
I slept from 5PM yesterday when i got home and
woke up at 7.49AM just now. Shiok hor?
Tomorrow going out with Tammy and Samantha.
Watching L changed the world xD
Then wednesday going to watch The Leap Years with.......
10 over plus people!
Today went to school got abit of moodswing lol.
Sorry to those whom I got angry with.
HAHa. I slept through Bio today without Ms Ng noticing anything!
2 periods man! wahhhh shiok.
Then went for chapel then went to AVA room for life lesson,
I slept abit only lol.
After that, went for training, went to eat, went home and TADAH!
Here I am blogging! (of cos I went to bathe first -.-)
Okay, I'll post pictures another daaaaay!
FUCK you again.
Everytime say people, never say yourself.
You think you who? MY boss izzit? Please la hor, all
of us are of the same age.
Get lost if you want to say any sarcastic remarks about
people, especially in my clique.
Training got cancelled last minute. Dont know why.
There's no training tomorrow also!
today went to school, ____ said I look
ugly wearing specs :( You think you wear
that 80s specs vely nice meh? Say people dont
know how to say yourself.
To _____, I look ugly in specs, so what?
Has it got anything to do with you?
And please dont come up with nonsensical logics.
People first time wear specs of cos will look weird la.
And you're just another average attention seeker, doing this and that,
pinching people here and there, you've already got a warning
for doing that last year, aren't you scared already? I can really
see how thick skin you are now. Thanks for showing me your true
colours. People are already getting irritated by you, can't you tell?
Oh, sorry, I've forgotten that you have poor judgement.
And to all those who said i looked weird in specs, get lost la okay.
I didnt even asked you guys for your fucking comments. What if people tease
you guys when you wear something insanely for the first time that doesnt even suit you at all?
Wont you feel embarrassed when people say you look weird/ugly in it? Get a life, losers.
_____ stole a cookie from Esmer! And ate in our classroom!
Wahseh, what kind of teacher is this sia, HAHAHA.
Shall not say anymore things about my day. It's a secret [:
Pictures below are all editted by Evan.

Fuck I just hate secondary school life.
Okay, that's just to vent my anger..
Campcraft competition got postponed..
PS: Have i been spelling postponed correctly? I cant find it in my phone dictionary -.-
I hate the rain. Damn you rain.
Another week of training. Gosh, I can just die man.
Seriously. My blueblack on my hand still there, and it's still pain.
I cant clench my left fist cause it'll hurt. wth ..
Im sick, sick, sick, sick, sick.
Cheer up Evan. Like what you said, we're on the same boat.
Gosh. Im going to die soon :(.
Im sick and tired of talking to you. asshole.