Tuesday, October 28, 2008 ( 8:17 PM )
Hey darling Sera,
you're a bad person too, you know? You made me cry.
never study hard enough right...
Like what you said, first time in EIGHT years,
we've been through so much together, laughed and everything,
this is the first time I made you cry, and you made me cry.
whether your appeal gets approved or not, i love you<3
and I promise, i'll never leave your side because you're in
this year's sec 1 batch.
This is a promise to YOU, till the day we part/lose contact or
till i lay down in my coffin.
I promise, everytime i see you in school, i'll hug you so tightly
till you can't breath.
I love love you Sera<3
you're a bad person too, you know? You made me cry.
never study hard enough right...
Like what you said, first time in EIGHT years,
we've been through so much together, laughed and everything,
this is the first time I made you cry, and you made me cry.
whether your appeal gets approved or not, i love you<3
and I promise, i'll never leave your side because you're in
this year's sec 1 batch.
This is a promise to YOU, till the day we part/lose contact or
till i lay down in my coffin.
I promise, everytime i see you in school, i'll hug you so tightly
till you can't breath.
I love love you Sera<3
Monday, October 27, 2008 ( 6:16 PM )
There's this fcking scary game
those who're brave enough, go and try it out.
The hotel's only open at 6pm-6am.
Not necessary to have a webcam/mic. Dont have then just
dont tick the box loh.
Okay, sorry for not blogging for quite some time hahaha.
Anyway, im looking forward to TOMORROW! :D:D:D
and this coming Wednesday also, cause got volleyball training :D:D:D
Anyway, here's my schedule for this holiday.
CSSP Lecture: 10nov, 8am-12pm
Preparation for CSSP badge: 13nov, 8am-12pm
Preparation for CSSP badge: 14nov, 8am-12pm
Preparation for CCA Fair: 15dec, 9am-12pm
Preparation for CCA Fair: 17dec, 9am-12pm
Preparation for CCA Fair: 18dec, 9am-12pm
29oct, 31oct and 5 nov. 8.30-10.30am
6th-8th nov, KLANG!
14th-16th nov, HONGKONG!
Can't wait, can't wait!
But im gonna miss someoneeeee while I'm away! x)
Anyway, dont ask me out on those days, if want to ask me out then..
ask me out after my trainings (:(:(:(:
K, unfortunately, there's nothing to blog about already.
Soo.. BYEBYEBYE! dont worry, I'll buy things for some people when im away! :D:D:D:D
Im in loveeeeeeeeeee<3
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 ( 9:21 PM )
It's hard for both you and me,
I know, I know. Maybe it's just.. sigh
I dont know what to say.
But just remember this,
That you have a place right at the bottom of my heart.
And no one else can ever replace you.
Sian, today school, nothing much.
No mood to blog, sorry readers.
Never expected it to end like this.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ( 7:15 PM )
The day started off pretty good but at the end of the day, no.
it was the first time in my life i ever teared in a public bus.
but fuck, what's meant to be, is meant to be.
Thanks alot God.
whatever your decision is, iloveyou<3
you said, forever your dearest.
Sunday, October 12, 2008 ( 10:11 PM )
Fred Goes Swimming
This is freaking funny, those who really wants to laugh right now,
Kevjumba, Girls are like M&Ms:
Kevjumba, I love my dad:
Anyway, sec 1 training camp was, argh.
1st Day, Friday;101008,
We did some icebreakers, then yah. forgot already,
shall i skip to the night walk? yes.
Okay, so, we sat at the NE corner, then a few sec 1s went first, then heard ALOTALOT of screams. Then went it was TAMMY's turn,
she took quite awhile just to walk up the steps -.- (walking alone btw) so, when she FINALLY reached the second level, she walk to the toilet and she saw 2 ma'am's crawling out with their hair let down, she SCREAM like ALOTALOT of times, then she ran back down to the NE corner with tears in her eyes HAHAHAHHA!
Okay, so when it was my turn, i went up, i saw 2 ma'am's at the toilet but the were just lying there, moving their hands, not crawling out HAHAH. Not scary loh. Then walked to the E block and we went to go inside one classroom, then must knock three times before entering, so, i knock three times, Maureen ma'am went BAM on the door window, then i chua tio -.- like, so unexpected. Then when i go in already, had to find 2 lightsticks and tell them what colour it is. Then after i find already, yeah then walk to the staircase then on the way people were making funny noises, scaring me and stuffs, then walked down to first level, went to the canteen and we had to walk through the tables and chairs where the lightsticks were leading us. So the first scare was some ma'am pushing the chair outwards, then second scare was a ma'am from underneath the table grabbing our leg.
Then walk down to the NP store and had to find 1 lightstick.
After that i walking that time, Sophia ma'am from inside BAM, push open the door outside the AVA room like damn hard and it HITHITHIT my arm! (now got red mark btw) then i heard other seniors going "ouch!" HAHAHA, then walked to the Gym and end of nightwalk.
WAHLAO EH, this year's nightwalk got kick lah! Last year's night walk, one kick also dont have eh. Damndamn scary.
Yeah, then nothing to say already lah, I just wanted to blog about the nightwalk hahaha.
today, went to Kovan macs to meet Esmer and Glenda, then went to Cost Storage, bought the ingredients to bake the cookies for the Lifestyle club Bazaar tomorrow -.-
Then buy already, went to Esmer's house to bake, halfway baking, called KFC delivery, then watched tv, after baking, i played guitar and i keep playing the same song hahahah. Then i went home already 9 plus, and yeah, now here blogging. BYE.
No matter how hard life is,
as long as your partner is true to you,
it's more than worth it.
{Just hoping for a better day
Thursday, October 9, 2008 ( 6:58 PM )
Woah, today in school, Tasmin got caught for her pinafore, then she must unpick hahaha. Then in class right, after the discussion of CPA paper.
Mrs Pang caught Shannon's pinafore then she had to surrender her nice nice pinafore to Mrs Pang ): then she wearing the high belt pinafore now haha.
Then after that was Glenda, then she unpick also. Then Mrs Pang say "You all have beautiful kneecaps isit? Must show off." Then she thinking of who got short pinafore, so next was Esmer! But she UNfortunately didn't have to unpick cause the length was ohkay (not).
So, after Esmer was Juvena haha but i dont know what happen.
After Juvena was NICOLETTE! Hahahaha, the school change the belt to size 36 belt already so sad ah nicolette. Kay, then Nicolette OBVIOUSLY had to unpick lah. Then after that, Mrs Pang said nails also she'll check. HAHAHAH, i'm so luckyyy, i didnt get caught for both pinafore and nails ((((((((:
Then after school stayed back to do the name tags and flag for tomorrow's sec 1 training camp. My group's flag is NICENICENICE :D
(pssst, it's the nicest.)
Yeah then after that had some mini soccer xD, yeah, then nothing much
pssst, I miss you alot alot ):
if only i could say that to you.
{Those days...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 ( 10:54 PM )
Saw primary school kids running around playing and screaming like nobody's business. I miss life in primary school, so carefree, nothing to worry about.
No relationship problems and stuffs, sigh.
Hahaha whatever.
Didn't go to school today cause was sick, but I went for NYAA xD
Jestyn came to find Glenda hahaha then Glenda, Jestyn, Esmer, Tasmin and me went to Macs after NYAA, talked, took pictures and stuffs.
Eyecandy sooooo CUTEEEEE <3!