Thursday, March 26, 2009 ( 10:00 PM )
Hiiii, I wasnt in a good mood today, before training but
during training, people cheered me up (: Tyty.
And sorry to Pramila, Dawn and Siveeta :P
Cos I kinda dao-ed them just now cos was quite yeah.
Anyway, it's Sports Day tomorrow, omg? DAMN EXCITED KAY.
Clique outing to Sentosa too! Sunday going Wild Wild Wet (:
18April I'm going to play Paintballs at Yishun there :D
K Bye.
during training, people cheered me up (: Tyty.
And sorry to Pramila, Dawn and Siveeta :P
Cos I kinda dao-ed them just now cos was quite yeah.
Anyway, it's Sports Day tomorrow, omg? DAMN EXCITED KAY.
Clique outing to Sentosa too! Sunday going Wild Wild Wet (:
18April I'm going to play Paintballs at Yishun there :D
K Bye.
Monday, March 23, 2009 ( 8:54 PM )
Sing like no one's listening, Love like you've never been hurt before, Live like there's no tomorrow.
Lolll, hii (:
It's start of term 2, yay?
Zzz, school sucked today luh kay.
Wait, morning was quite fun going high and stuffs but,
in the afternoon? ...... deadddd like tsk.
K, nevermind. I shan't think of it anymore :/
Whatever, I've got nothing to blog about but I just
felt like blogging. But there's really nothing to blog about :/
K nevermind. Bye.
Sunday, March 22, 2009 ( 8:59 PM )

ROARRRRRRRR, sorry, just some random picture :DDD
I'm damn zzz k.
Term 2 timetable shucks balls.
Tuesday first period self rev then second period break, want us die uh.
Then Thursday first period is break OMGGGGGGGGGG!
Pleasepleaseplease change the timetable -.-
Kk byebyebye.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 ( 11:24 PM )
( 12:42 PM )
Nice right the trolley :D
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 ( 11:06 PM )
HAHA, Hiii!
This morning, was supposed to go for sports day comm meeting at 1030
but I woke up late heh. So I reached about 11 plus?
Yep. Lucky I wasn't the latest (: (: (:
Then meeting-ed till 1 or 2 plus. Then helped Eleanor in the family race,
after that Serene followed me home to take straws for (idk if i can say).
Then I took cab to school, picked Eleanor, Wen Hui and Deborah up and went
to AMK Hub to buy stuffs for the bbq! We bought like super alot of things okay.
We took a trolley, and we buy until cannot put anymore stuffs cos it'll fall off
and there was a basket underneath the trolley also hahaha.
The receipt was like super long, gonna get the pics soon :D
Then after that, we went to eat our late 'lunch'. At about 4 plus 5, went to buy Old Chang Kee.
All of us were like super hungry okay. Then took bus to Eleanor's house, chilled awhile,
Serene, Kiahwee and I went to the pool! I was literally melting I tell you!
Then I wore fbts, so i went to walk in the pool :D the 0.5m one.
Then Serene gehkiang lah! She go sit near the fountain there then she wearing berms,
her phone slipped out of her pocket and dropped into the water LOL.
Yeah then went back to Eleanor's then ate maggi and watched Quarantine.
After that went to the bbq pit. Debbie came, Mr Lee and Ms Ng also came.
Then yeah. Everyone went high and stuffs. One by one everyone started leaving
then left alot of food. So we played Chucky! Who lose must eat what Mr Lee puts on a plate.
Then Serene and Eleanor ate the most! Alicia, Mr Lee and I didn't lose so we dint have to eat!
HEE. Okay yeah, that's about it. Then Mr Lee stays near me so we took cab together haha.
Kkk go look and the pictures and laugh! BYEBYE.
Moremoremore food Debbie!
Playing Chucky, look at that poor Serene HAHA.
Mr Lee! HAHA.
Unglam ah Davina!
Wen hui, dancing to the song LOL.