Saturday, April 25, 2009 ( 11:01 PM )
(10:56 PM) Lose yourself in:Yes, screw global warming
eh you never invite to your blog alr
(10:56 PM) Wake up and make:hahai got what
(10:56 PM) Lose yourself in:reall ymehno more leh
(10:56 PM) Wake up and make:have lahaiyo,go check again lahhahaha
(10:57 PM) Lose yourself in:denied!!
(10:58 PM) Wake up and make:hold on worhzxi go check
(10:58 PM) Lose yourself in:okay lohzxzs
(10:58 PM) Wake up and make:i got invite you leyzx
(10:58 PM) Lose yourself in:orhor!!!
(10:59 PM) Wake up and make:try again
(10:59 PM) Lose yourself in:nvr lohzxs
(10:59 PM) Wake up and make:hahaha got lorhzx dont liezx
(10:59 PM) Lose yourself in:now then can lohzx
(10:59 PM) Wake up and make:goot girlzx dontzx liezx
(10:59 PM) Lose yourself in:no lohzx
seriouslyzx cannotzx justzx nowzx lehzx
(10:59 PM) Wake up and make:got larzx
(10:59 PM) Lose yourself in:i gootzx girlzx whatzx
neverzx lieszx
(10:59 PM) Wake up and make:com spoil liao worhzx
(10:59 PM) Lose yourself in:ohzx manzx, yourzx ahzx?
(10:59 PM)Wake up and make:yourzx larzx
walao eh,seriously,stop it
very gross
(11:00 PM) Lose yourself in:yourzx lohszx
(11:00 PM) Wake up and make:haha
(11:00 PM) Lose yourself in:HAHAHHAYEAHJ
(11:00 PM) Wake up and make:HAHAGO POST THIS UP
(11:00 PM) Lose yourself in:HAHAok!
(11:00 PM) Wake up and make:hao er zin ah
(11:00 PM) Lose yourself in:ni lohzx
(11:00 PM) Wake up and make:ni lah
(11:00 PM) Lose yourself in:ni ah?
(11:01 PM) Wake up and make:ni lah!
(11:01 PM) Lose yourself in:ni ah?
(11:01 PM) Wake up and make:wo bu yao invite ni go wo de blog liao ah
(11:01 PM) Lose yourself in:bu yaozx loheh stop it
my cheena sucks
HAHA, stupid Vivian Heng. She started the cheena+twit thing first.
Cheena + twit = Cheenwit!
Omg. That's weird. K nvm.
HAHAHA. Im damn bored. That's why I bothered to post it HAHA, not just because
she told me to HAHAHA.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 ( 8:19 PM )

Okay, so today HAHAHA.
During break, Esmer and me went to Cafe to buy burger.
Then Esmer took her burger right, she wanted to put mayo sauce but too little,
then cannot come out. So she opened the cap and put lah, then she didnt close
properly, then after that Jaaziel bought burger also, then wanted to put mayo also.
Then the mayo also cannot come out, so she like swing even harder, then the mayo cap dropped on her burger. HAHAHA. OMG SERIOUSLY IT'S DAMN FUNNY.
No offence uh.
THEN THEN, when we went down to canteen, Esmer and me were buying hor fun.
Then Wanleng borrowed a few cents from Esmer. So after we buy, we went to the table and sit lah. Then after awhile, Wanleng came to pass Esmer the coins, but I think she dropped it or something, then the ten cent coin bounced on the table and landed on Esmer's hor fun.
Then Wanleng was like talking halfway, then like suddenly she stopped and covered her mouth
then she opened her eye damn big. HAHAHA IT WAS DAMN FUNNY OKAY.
Okay, so that's it for the Joke of the Day HAHA.
Muster Parade and Campcraft after that, tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 ( 8:04 PM )
Have you ever realized that whenever you hate someone,
that person will keep on appearing right infront of you.
And when the person that you dont hate, doesnt even appear.
Why like that. It'll just make you hate that person even more.
Im not going to walk around that area so often anymore, less i see her.{
Sunday, April 19, 2009 ( 10:19 PM )
He's my man, go away.
Hahahaha okay, S Factor is damn gross. ALL DAMN UGLY K.
There's this woman that thinks she's pretty but she's not, and the other girls dont like her.
Then she said 'My friend told me being one of the better looking girl, everyone hates you'
Now some girl said 'Westling in the poo'
When it's supposed to be 'Wrestling in the pool'
HAHAHAH OMG, okay stop.
Omg damn hot this few days leh. Last night at 1am, I tried to sleep but couldnt ):
Then I only fell asleep an hour later at like 2am plus TSKKKKKKK.
Damn irritating. I tossed and turned then almost fell off the bed HAHA.
Okay, there's no water supply tomorrow.
I wonder if the sinks has water :/ wait shit and pee all that then no water, HOW?!
Got to bring loads of stuffs tomorrow :(
Things to bring:
- Bring full u
- Canned foods
- Magazines and newspapers for scrapbook comp
TSKKKKKKK. Sounds very little but its alot k.
Saturday, April 11, 2009 ( 9:24 PM )
I went to wildwildwet today (:
After wildwildwetting went to Tampines 1, the new shopping mall at tampines (duh)
THENTHENTHEN OMG alot of things there k.
I went to UniQlo, i bought 228 bucks worth of clothes. My mum pay one :P
Then I bought this yellow jacket. Got no green :(
The green there all not nice one!!!!!!!
Okay, then yeah went home. Omg, i'm damn tired but i'm not sleeping yet cos
gonna webcam with someone (: byebye.
Sunday, April 5, 2009 ( 11:09 PM )
Hii, this is for someone.. That only GLWT knows.
As I look into the stars, wondering how far away they are.
I suddenly realise that none of it matters, that it doesn’t matter how far away they are.
No matter how far they may seem, you’re still so close to me.
No matter how hard they might be to reach, it feels like I can still reach you.
Even though I can’t touch them, it seems you can still touch me.
I used to think that without you, I was so lost and weak.
But then I came to realise, that I wasn’t without you.
Even though I couldn’t physically see or talk to you anymore, you weren’t gone.
You will always be a part of my life.
You will always hold a big part of my heart.
You will never be far away when I need you.
I will always be able to talk to you, and tell you my problems.
You may not be able to give me a verbal answer to any of my questions.
But it still feels like you somehow get the answers to me.
I will always love you.
I will always miss you.
And I will always need you in my heart.
I thought that day was the end of my happiness, but I think you’ve helped me through.
G, how? Ever since she became ....
Then, I couldnt talk to her like how we used to anymore :/
Haiz, idk idk idk. I dont know what to do now.
But I really miss her.